Xplorer is an open-source project which you can freely join and seek support 😊.
On this page, we've listed some communities/forums you can participate in to seek support or help others.
Before participating in Xplorer's communities, please read our Code Of Conduct.
ProblemasWe use GitHub Issues to track public bugs. Por favor, asegúrese de que su descripción sea clara y tiene suficientes instrucciones para poder reproducir el problema. Report a bug by opening a new issue here. Please use GitHub Discussions instead to suggest a new feature.
GitHub DiscussionsGitHub Discussions is used for multiple purposes, such as:
- Asking questions
- Making feature requests and sharing ideas
- Xplorer Announcements
- Chat on Xplorer
- Show and tell: Making custom themes/plug-ins for Xplorer and showing them there!
Solicitar una característicaWe use GitHub Discussions to track ideas from users. Suggest a new feature here! Las buenas solicitudes de características tienden a tener:
- Resumen rápido de la idea.
- Qué & por qué quiere añadir la característica específicada.
- Contexto adicional como imágenes, enlaces a recursos para implementar la función, etc.
AyudaYou can ask for help using GitHub Discussion and others will answer you, just like Stack Overflow!
Remember to choose the discussion category as Q&A so that your question will be published with answers enabled. :::
NoticiasFor the latest news about Xplorer, you can see it through the official Xplorer blog on this website.